Joyfully Waiting

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Shock & Awe

I had every intention on giving blog updates throughout my pregnancy, but that didn’t happen. #obvi #facepalm

BUT! I do want to give y’all an update now! I mean, better late than never, right?! Ha!

A few weeks ago, I was utterly and completely SHOCKED by my Morris Bart family when they threw me a freaking SURPRISE baby shower! Like, seriously?! I’m still overwhelmed by all the love that was shown to me that day. They even had to pivot and push the shower back a week when Kirk told them that I wouldn’t be in the office the day they originally planned. Ha. My baddd!

These gals in my office are GOOD. Not only did they get Kirk and my momma involved, but they set up the entire party down the hall from my office and I was completely clueless the entire time. If y’all ever need someone to pull off a surprise party, call my girl Angela at work. She’s amazing.

To my work family: THANK YOU will never be enough. I’m serious when I say that I am still blown away by all the effort that went into this surprise shower. I’m honored. I’m humbled. And I definitely feel loved by all of y’all. Thank you sweet friends. Thank you! And thank you notes are coming! I just haven’t finished them yet.

Now for a Sugar Bear update:

As of this blog post, I’m officially 32w5d (32 weeks, 5 days). We had an ultrasound & prenatal visit last week and learned that Sugar Bear is breeched. In fact, it’s called Frank Breech. Basically, it’s the boat pose in yoga. Its butt is down low with its feet up by its face, in like a V shape. Yay. #Sarcasm. Dr. Paine currently isn’t worried. There’s still plenty of time for Sugar Bear to reposition on their own. If that doesn’t happen, then we will likely schedule a c-section around 38 weeks.

In addition to being breeched, Sugar Bear is measuring around 2.5-3 weeks ahead of schedule - including already weighing in at nearly 6lbs. Fun fact: babies typically gain about half a pound a week at this point. That means that Sugar Bear is on track to be a 9+ lb baby. More yay! Dr. Paine did mention that maybe being breeched is a blessing in disguise! Ain’t that the truth!

Next Friday begins my weekly visits + ultrasounds. We’ll continue to monitor Sugar Bear and take it one week at a time. For now, I’m still approved to keep on, keeping on. I can still go to the gym and on my walk/runs and carry on as normal.

As for my pregnancy ailments, I still get nauseous, so that’s been super fun. I will say that it’s not as bad as the First Trimester. That was pretty much super nausea 24/7. Now it’s only when I eat or drink; regardless of what it is. But being as pregnant as I am, I’m hungry all the time. Therefore, I’m pretty much nauseous all the time, too. A few other ailments that don’t seem nearly as bad: a lot of pressure in and around the belly, insomnia, swollen left ankle (just my left one, not both), minor aches & pains all over - especially at the end of a busy day.

All in all, my pregnancy really hasn’t been that bad (knocks on wood). Dare I say, I’ve even enjoyed it?!

Of course the nursery isn’t finished yet and our November is stupid, stupid busy. So y’all say some prayers that Sugar Bear is loving this yoga life they created and stays put for at least a few more weeks! Even though Dr. Paine reassured us that we’re out of the danger zone at 32 weeks, I’d like to get Sugar Bear as close to 40 weeks as possible.

It’s getting close, y’all! EEK!