Joyfully Waiting

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Sugar Bear

Baby Fabre officially has a nickname: Sugar Bear. (Adorable, right?!)

Sugar Bear officially has antibodies for COVID. #Hooray #Sarcasm

Yep. You read that right. At 11w4d, I tested positive for the Vid. Because I wasn’t struggling enough with the nausea & exhaustion from my first trimester, why not throw in a contagious virus, too?! The past week has been a blur. I pretty much slept for 6 days straight. Like most people, I thought my symptoms were originally just a sinus infection. Started with a sore throat, then I lost my voice. Then I had a fever, & congestion, & chills, & body aches, and oh my gracious did my ears ache SO. FREAKING. BAD. So, I emailed my OB. Knowing good & well the only thing I could take was Tylenol, I begged for something more to help relieve my symptoms. She recommended that I go get tested for strep, COVID, & the flu “to rule them out”. Ha. Jokes on me. Tested positive for COVID. ::eyeroll::

Thankfully, I managed to keep my cooties from Kirk. I kicked him out of our bedroom and pretty much didn’t leave that room for an entire week. 7 days later, I’m still not 100%, but I feel more human today than I did last week. I’ll take whatever progress I can at this point.

Prior to getting the Rona, my first trimester was nauseating. My main preggo symptoms: 24/7 nausea (with little to no relief) and exhaustion. I’m talking marathon-training long run exhaustion; moved an entire house exhaustion; been up for 3 days straight exhaustion. It didn’t matter how many hours of sleep I’d get the night before, I would wake up utterly tired. I’ve never been much of napper, but I was legit taking every opportunity I could to catch a few Z’s when & where possible. Honestly, sleeping was the only time I wasn’t nauseous, so it didn’t take much convincing to snooze when I could.

These past few months have been quite the whirlwind of emotions. Kirk & I found out we were preggers at 5 Weeks. We announced to y’all at 6 Weeks. We graduated from Dr. Huber & the clinic at 8 Weeks. Had our first visit with my OB at 9 Weeks. I caught COVID at 11 Weeks. And here we are today at 12 Weeks. I’m not sure it’s really hit me yet that I’m preggers. I mean, the symptoms are there. My pants no longer fit. I’m slowing starting to show. But mentally, I don’t think my brain has wrapped around this idea yet. Which is wild because we’re almost ONE-THIRD of the way there. Excuse me, what?!

We’ve checked a few big items off the To Do List:

  • Registry: Check!

  • Nursery Theme: Check!

  • Baby Names: narrowed down, almost Check!

I’ve purchased a few more pair of non-maternity pants to get me through at least the next few weeks at work. I feel accomplished. I, surprisingly, feel calm - which, given how convoluted our journey to get to this point has been, is a feeling I’m not used to feeling.

But here we are: Calm, nauseous, & probably still rocking COVID, yet joyfully waiting for our next chapter.