
Leading up to our first FET (frozen embryo transfer), we followed a handful of the old wives tales & infertility superstitions, because ya know - whatever help we can get, I’m here for it! Here’s what we did:

  • Pineapple Core: The core of a pineapple contains bromelain, which can act as an anti-inflammatory to help an embaby stick.

  • Pomegranate Juice: Said to help thicken the uterine lining.

  • Blueberries: Packed with antioxidants which help boost fertility.

  • Lavender Oil: Diffusing lavender oil promotes better sleep & relaxation (and who doesn’t need both of these?!)

  • Warm Socks: This one stems from Chinese medicine that a “cold” uterus can be a cause of infertility. By wearing warm socks, I’m not allowing heat to escape the body.

  • McDonald’s Fries: This one is actually more of a superstition post-retrieval, but many grab some fries post-transfer, too. The idea is that the salt content of the fries helps offset the potential for OHSS (Ovarian Hyperstiumlation Syndrome). Any reason to get fries is a good reason for me!

  • St. Gerard & St. Philomena: I have a few charms of both St. Gerard (the Patron Saint of Pregnancy, Childbirth, & Motherhood) & St. Philomena (the Patron Saint of Infants, Babies, & Youth).

  • Crystals: The crystal I have is a Shiva Lingam. It’s said to help overcome fertility issues.

Whether or not there’s any scientific evidence any of the above actually work is up to you to decide. My view on it is if it can’t hurt, let’s give it a try!

Dr. Huber was super pleased with the FET. He said everything looked perfect and loved where he “parked” Bravo. Now the hard part, we wait. (If y’all wanna see a recap of our FET, head over to my Insta page here. I’ve saved a highlight of it. Be sure to check out the reel I posted. It includes a video of the actual transfer!)

I will say, other than the PIO shot, all the steps involved with a transfer are a freaking CAKEWALK to compared to everything else we’ve done along this journey. Seriously, shout out to all you Warriors who had more than one PIO shot. Y’all are the real superheros here! A week’s worth of meds don’t seem to be bothering me too much with side effects. Although we should probably ask Kirk his opinion on that statement! Ha!! The only thing I’ve really noticed is how thirsty I am throughout the day & sometimes, water just doesn’t cut it.

We are now in the dreaded TWW (two week wait). A fun hashtag I found through the infertility community for others in their TWW after a transfer is #PUPO (pregnant until proven otherwise). Let’s let that sink in for a bit: PREGNANT until proven otherwise. The hashtag is pretty valid. The clinic wants me to act as if I am preggers. So, watching what I eat (and sticking to the Pregnancy Banned Food List), no strenuous exercise, no heavy lifting, etc. Also, no extreme heat or extreme cold. I can’t get in a hot tub or go to the sauna. No heating pads or electric blankets. A cup of coffee is ok, though. I can’t take a bath. Showers only! I need to stay away from frozen drinks. Room temp bevs are preferred. There are so many rules, but what’s worse are the different variations to these rules! I’m trying my best to stick somewhere in the middle, but this is def harder than I thought it would be.

I’m actually kinda happy that Mardi Gras fell in the middle of our TWW. I absolutely LOVE Mardi Gras so it’s been a good distraction. I won’t lie, though. There is a VERY, VERY fine line between being optimistic & pessimistic during this waiting period. Maybe pessimistic is too strong of a word. Maybe realist fits better. I can’t seem to think of one side without immediately thinking about the other. My diet is one of a pregnancy mindset. My heart yearns for the same, but I’m also guarded. A year’s worth of failed cycles will do that to a girl. Sure, I’ve already looked up what our due date would be should this work. But on the other hand, I’ve also looked up how soon we can do another transfer if this one fails. Statistically, I know that my chances of getting preggers during my 2nd transfer are higher than my 1st transfer. Yet, I’m still hoping I don’t have to find out is those stats are accurate for me.

I’ll go back to the clinic for a beta test (blood work) to see if I’m preggers at the end of my TWW. One of the nurses will call me a few hours later with the results. Sadly, Kirk works nights the day of my appointment, which means I won’t see him until the following day. I’ve asked the clinic to leave a voicemail with the results so once Kirk’s home, we can find out together. I don’t think I can handle getting the news (regardless of the outcome), by myself.

But y’all don’t worry. Once we’ve shared the news with our family, we plan on sharing the news with you as soon as we can.

Until then, think sticky thoughts & join us as we joyfully wait for our results.




Alpha. Bravo. Charlie.