
I hate rollercoasters. Legit: I am terrified of them. I don’t like the feeling in the pit of my stomach. I don’t like being whipped around. I hate the feeling of falling. I know, I know. I’m a real joy at amusement parks. 😊

Fertility treatment is a giant emotional & physical rollercoaster. Why did no one warn me of this?! After our initial schedule of Letrozole & Follistim, I did one more night of Follistim, followed by one night of Novarel. Y’all. This needle was BIG. This shot HURT. There was mixing involved. Kirk had to administer the shot. There were tears. I cried, too. Our first IUI was scheduled for 36 hours after the Novarel shot. Holy Moly.

Not knowing what to expect for our IUI, I took the day off work. The actual procedure lasted maybe 3 minutes. Seriously. That was it. And I didn’t feel a thing. Insert: all the emotions. All the meds were taken as prescribed. All the paperwork was filled out. All the monies were exchanged. We’ve done everything we can. It’s now up to science. And prayers. And waiting.

Honestly, the meds and shots have been the hardest part. Well, the hardest part, physically. This waiting game is definitely the hardest part emotionally.

The day after our IUI, the doc started me on Prometrium, which is progesterone. The side effects on this med have been pretty severe in just the first few days I’ve been taking it. Mood swings are real. Irritability comes almost instantly. A few added bonuses: blurred vision, headaches, and tears. Lots and lot of tears. Lovely.

And now we wait. We wait until it’s time to take a pregnancy test.

“But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31

How ironic is it that this is one of my favorite Bible verses and has been since way before Kirk and I started our fertility journey?! God was trying to help me learn to wait long before I even knew I would need to do so. #GodWink

I’m really trying my best here. I’ve probably done a little too much research, so mentally, I’m preparing myself for this round of IUI to not work. (Statically, IUI’s peak around 3 – 5 cycles.) If I convince myself that this was just a trial run, then when that pregnancy test comes back negative, I won’t be as disappointed. That’s logical, right? But deep down in my heart, I’m hoping we’re part of that small percentage that has success on their first IUI. Because how cool would that be to FINALLY have something go right – on the first try?!

Until then, we will continue to JOYFULLY wait…

As always, there's more videos to check out in the Gallery.


Rinse & Repeat


Sh*t just got real