Take Two!

It’s absolutely WILD to me how drastically different fertility treatment can be for each cycle.

Our first cycle of treatment: lots of hot flashes, mood swings, no real adverse reaction to the shots, symptom-free IUI. Our second cycle of treatment: bruising from the shots, no major mood swings, significant cramping & fatigue from the IUI.

Maybe I’m getting a better handle on the meds? Maybe this time will work? Idk. We’re in the dreaded TWW (two week wait), so we won’t know anything until it’s time to pee on a stick again.

I’d like to think I’m in a better headspace for this cycle should the IUI not work. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll totally be disappointed if it doesn’t work again, but deep down in my gut, I feel like we’re not done with treatment. It also didn’t help that before my IUI, Dr. Huber mentioned what changes he would make with my med “next time” (insert my side eye). He recovered quickly with a “should there be a next time”. Nice save, but still. Sigh.

Probably one of the biggest differences between Cycle 2 and Cycle 1 was my trigger shot (Novarel). This is the shot that needs to be mixed and is a much larger needle than my Follistim shots. For Cycle 1, Kirk was a champ as he helped with it, but it was nerve-wracking for both of us. For Cycle 2, the plan was to go visit the pharmaceutical bestie & have her administer the shot. I grabbed the meds as I headed out the door for work on the day I assumed I would need to trigger; thinking it would be late that evening. Then Dr. Huber’s office called & threw a GIANT wrench in my plans. Apparently, my body had already started to ovulate without the help of the Novarel, so I needed to give myself the shot ASAP. Like right then & there. Nurse Kim said, “Girl you gotta do whatcha gotta do. Go hide in your car, lock your office door, head to the bathroom, whatever – but you gotta take that shot NOW!”


Naturally, I start to panic. I sent a handful of texts to Kirk (& all the besties) about the latest development. I then proceeded to shoot up drugs on the public bathroom floor while at work. Raise your hand if you can say that?! Who am I?! Ha! It was exhilarating and terrifying all at the same time. Silver lining: I think I’m comfortable enough to give myself this shot solo next time (if needed, of course). And yes, there's a video.

And now we wait. Again. For about two weeks. Then I’ll pee on a stick (let’s be real – I’ll probably pee on a few). Waiting really is the worst. I’m not very good at sitting still or resting. What’s the saying? Idle hands are the devil’s work. I have picked up a new hobby to help with the waiting. I’ve been cross stitching & making hand-embroidered houses. It’s fun and time consuming and keeps my mind off the calendar. Plus, the supplies are cheap. It’s a win/win.

Shameless plug: check out my Cross Stitch album on Facebook. If you’re interested in placing an order, shoot me a DM with a picture of what you want & I’ll figure out a price for ya. 😉


Barf Bags & Info Pamphlets


National Infertility Awareness Week 2021